Quarterbred is boldly bringing together some of Sydneys most challenging artists engaged in contemporary arts for their Decemeber program.
Kenzie Larson The word game project
Involves the participation of many different players filming contributions that will make up a giant computer mediated word game.
The Safari team (Melb)
Will construct a subterranean sleaze factory during their seven day residency. The finale will involve a synchronized performance with twenty people inside this factory to be included in their new video Safari Team Dig to China.
James Harney A blindfolded figure clad in black walks into frame, carrying a broomstick. A large square shaped piñata emblazoned with ‘Post-modern Piñata’ is suspended in the centre.
Frances BarrettWill undertake a residency at Quarterbred to develop The Pink Piece, which is an absurdist eulogy to a drowned flamingo. It will take the form of a 'melancholic musical': a macabre experience of failure, story-telling and animal costumes. Or not.
Zoe Scoglio and Guests (Melb)
Armed with a video projector, some triangles, hair and torches, Zoe will be undertaking shape-shifting experiments. She will reconfigure the mundane and banal to create twilight worlds inhabited with shimmering uncertainties, triangular apparitions and sounds turning solid. Torchlight discoveries will reveal creatures in corners, glistening portholes and mounds of what?
Sally Lewry & Teik Kim PokIn a week-long laboratory, provocateurs Sally Lewry and Teik-Kim Pok, inspired by the popularity of performed interventionist art practice, will explore the notion of 'Socialised Urban Performance' through the staging of a one-off site-based event that cuts across our technology-filtered practice of human interaction. Sally and Teik-Kim will spend the last three days of their lab with an invited troupe of individuals in creating a familiar and tongue-in-cheek social experiment in an as-yet undisclosed location, which will culminate in a moderated evening sharing with photo and video documentation of the process.
HARD PartyThirty artists involved in the HARD Party project will come together to develop work considering binge culture. The results will be shown on a party boat on Sydney Harbour in January 2009.
The Jackknife Twinset (Mish Grigor and Joseph O'farrel)
Are in development to create a new work, 'The Bar Room Brawl'. It is a work on video that is presented in chapters exploring a number of short visual narratives. The work will be accompanied by a number of acoustic, live and recorded sounds that will be played in a "mini cinema" by the artists.
Stay tuned for artist talks and devlopement showings for these artists.
And join us for the anti- talent quest.
Ship of FoolsMCs:Nick Sun & Fran Barrett
Ship of Fools is a dick in the ear of the establishment and an ear in the dick of the anti-establishment. A dionysian celebration of degradation and failure as the new success in an endurance anti-talent show format. The audience will be subjected to the illusion of power and a long string of genuinely offensive acts and are encouraged to judge, cast shame, abuse, throw faeces, spit, heckle or swallow. Go down with the Ship.